If you would like to get the ball moving, complete this form, and we’ll get you added to our system as a driver.

There are 3 stages:

  1. Complete and set up the weekly payment of £40.00 or pay monthly, at a slightly cheaper rate of £165 per month, to get you on the system.
  2. We’ll then send you an online form; this is where you send us all the information and ID for us to successfully set you up on our systems.
  3. We’ll then set up your business and personal profiles for you and send URLs, Login information, and everything else you need to get going.


We may need to call you to confirm things, so please have your phone ready.

Before signing up, please make sure you have read and understood all of our terms and conditions.

Driver Subscription to the PHAT Platfrom

Please make sure you have read the t's and c's - we look forward to working with you!

Please select your payment option...

Subtotal £40.00

Total due today £40.00

Recurring amount £40.00 every 1 week